Competition uniforms with numbers attached must be worn for all competitions. This is a requirement for all Centre and State Competitions.
Junior Athletics Only Members uniform consists of a JAC Singlet or Polo Shirt.
Senior Athletics Members uniform consists of either a JAC Singlet or Polo Shirt or Senior Singlet or Crop Top.
Athletes are to wear plain black bottoms. This can be in the form of skins, skorts or shorts. If a logo is present it must be no larger than a matchbox in size.
Registered Junior Athletics Members will receive 1 bib at the start of each season. Bibs will be available for collection at our Pack collection day on 7th October. Bibs are to be pinned to the front of the uniform with a minimum of 4 pins.
Registered Senior Athletics Members will receive 2 bibs at the start of each season. Bibs will be available for collection at their first Strive Competition. Bibs are to be pinned to both the front and back of the uniform with a minimum of 4 pins.
Athletes will receive their bibs once their fees are fully paid.

Junior Polo

Senior Crop Top

Junior Singlet

Senior Singlet